Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dear all, My point is this. We all choose who we become. Determination to make the 'hard' choice will make us grow the most. That is the key to resilience. However, I am not saying that we should ignore our emotions altogether. We need to sort our emotions but we also need to move on.
Sorry to have neglected all my readers. Been super busy and have been thinking a lot but just not penning it down in my blog:
Heart Matters:
My class drains my heart but I know I need to carry on speaking in love to them. I do not want to be harsh and speak harsh words in frustration. I need to be patient. God says love is patient so I need to really love them in patience. However, this does not mean I will allow the bending of rules to occur.
I have been thinking what it means to get attached. Am I really ready? Is it just having someone to shower me attention? Am I in the mood for it? Am I secure enough to know what I want and not just hope for someone to care for me? I need to look through and examine my heart. People who are worried or keep asking me about such things, don't fret. I will need to walk through this journey of seeking my own heart and in the mean time of waiting for the ONE.
Certain Issues in Volleyball:
My volleyball teams are progressing well in the Zones but I am really wondering how far would they go in the Nationals. Not that I doubt their abilities, I sometimes doubt their desire. Trainings will be harsh but they need to endure the hardship and quit whinning and complaining. I guess it's the same with many youths these days. We rationalise and say that this should not be the case and we claim our rights etc. Then we will never improve or improve as much because we do not come in a position of humility to learn but we think we know a lot. I guess it translates to my form class as well.
We will all go far if we put aside our own rights, if we humble ourselves to wish to learn. There is so much room for improvements, so much room for growth. Just like what I said to one pupil:
LIFE THROWS SH** at you but you can choose a few response:
What Kind of Girl Will You Fall For? | |
![]() | You will fall for the cutie. You like girls with a personality. She's got to have a nice smile and a sense of humor. Although she doesn't have to be a model, she has to be that girl-next-door. |
Find Your Character @ |
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
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