Monday, December 17, 2007
It was a hectic day starting at 6am. Woke up & prepared for the big day. The air of expectancy was high. We went to get the bridal car by about 730am after making sure everything was in place. Then we made our way down to the bride's place where she was held captive by the most fearsome adversary, the legendary Vanessa (an OBS instructoress). She with her henchwomen devised terrible schemes and traps to try and finish off all the gallant heroes. Up and down the stairs to various levels, we were able to conquer all that was set before us, wax patches for the legs, lipsticks to kiss the disposable underwear on various unmentionable locations and crossing the river of love for Jeanie were no means to get us down. At the end, the key to the lair was obtained through the bursting of the balloons. Upon breaking into the lair, we were able to save the princess from the clutches of the evil Vanessa. True to our task, the prince was able to rescue the princess.
As the Prince brought the Princess back home for the ceremony (tea), whereby the Prince's family members and relatives were able to partake in this joyous celebration with them; the Band of Brothers and the rescued maidservants went to Touch Centre to make sure all errands were handled. For me personally, food was bought, meals were bought, running around till I pespired were just a summary of the sweat I had to give on that day.
After all the formalities were over, solemnization and tea ceremony for some other relatives, it was the finale whereby the prince and princess will go through the wedding ceremony service. It was a grand day with wonderful gifts from the brothers, especially the super hilarious video. All in all, all went well and the prince and princess were finally able to be married.
On 14th Dec, the chauffer me was called to action. At precisely 4pm, the operation wedding was already set in motion. I was to pick up Master Tan at his abode. On arrival, I was instructed to ferry my Master to Tanah Merah to recieve his bridal mobil. On arrival, Master Tan got into the undisguised bridal mobil, while I was in my trusty Jazzerita. The 2 of us went to the hideout of our agency to meet Miss Q. Q was a trusted member of the agency who helped to hand out the weapons we needed to embark on our quest the next day. The bridal mobil was loaded with wonder laces, terrific teddies and frontal flowers. Next, we went on our way to keep the bridal mobil hidden from the world at Loyang. Then from there, I fetched my Master to his trusted aid's hideout at Pasir Ris. Over there, we made careful & detailed plans for the evening. First, we needed to nourish our bodies and get some logistics for the secret bachelors' meeting. In secrecy, we were sworn into the group so our operation was made known to the selected few. Before we were able to embark on this operation, we went to recce where the princess was kept captive. We saw the terrible adversary that we had to face. After the recce, the brotherhood convened Punggol to have fun, where there was music, booze, fun and babes. Music from Guitar, booze which we bought but forgot to drink, fun from Xbox and babes from our homemade video. We proceeded back to our resting place to retire for the night so that we are able to tackle the adversary so as to rescue the princess...
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
BGR - Boy Girl Relationship
The buzz word among teens. The word that captures attention. The thing that causes the heart to flutter.
In the end, is it all about feelings? I pretty much doubt it. I do not deny the need for feelings but I also do not discount the fact that when all these flowery words, feelings and gifts fade, what is left? Is it only feelings? There's more to liking. There needs to be love, which is a committment word. As much as most people are fearful of committment, love is to commit.
Relationship does not cure loneliness. If one cannot live a happy and contented life, how can just by having another person cure the state one is in? If driven by this need, then wrong choices are easily made cuz many rather choose a not so good person and jump right in, in fear of being alone.
When one is emotionally handicapped, one does not realise the fact that one is not able to give freely of oneself. How can an immatured person deal with another immatured person? It spells disaster. If we do not first get our lives right emotionally, spiritually, financially... How can we live with another person? This other person cannot depend on you and neither can you depend on him/her for your needs. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that partners should not be there for each other but the essence of the relationship is not to look for someone to depend on. We should still offer ourselves to them but each person must be responsible for his/her growth.
It is difficult to explain all these. Been through a few broken relationships at an early age. Hurt gals unknowingly. I was selfish and at times, manipulative. However, I was not aware of it. Not that I am trying to justify what I did. Bygones be bygones. These gals have all moved on, whereas I am still single. Sinngle by choice. Not that I am handicapped by my past but the opportunity has yet to surface itself.
To love is not to be demanding and manipulative. Many times, we are insecure and we do emotional blackmail. Do note that this is not the way to go. A relationship is built on trust, built on mutual respect and built on love.
How then do we know we are ready for a relationship then, one may ask? I can only say it's not indicated by physical age but by emotional and spiritual depth.
Superficiality fades but spirituality flourishes with time. This should be the norm, the guide to life of maturity but not all live this way.
Gotta go. Will work on this post again should I feel led to.
Today marks the day I am leading a mini retreat. In anticipation, I woke up at 520am and could not get back to sleep. I realised my heart was wild and wants to play but I know it is not the focus. How often we are carried away by the emotions that we miss the entire point. The one and only point - Jesus.
Even as the year draws to a close, it is good to ponder upon our lives and reflect while thinking where to head from here on. The world does it in the form of new year resolutions. As christians, we should do something similar as well. To think about our lives and where to go. However, these goals are not just self driven goals but God given goals with divine aid throughout the process.
Do think about it. Retreats are a need. Time to recuperate, recharge, re-energise, re-strategise, refocus... I think one gets the point on the re's. Retreat, here I come!
Monday, December 03, 2007
As a christian, it is in this order that one should dedicate one's life to:
1. Master
2. Mission
3. Mate
The Master being God Himself. Why would I say so? Because if God does not govern your life, all else will fall out of place eventually. Our aim in life is to pursue Him and made for His purposes. I understand that we are in the process of being more like Him and that we go through various struggles. However, if we do not submit to Him as the Lord of our lives, we are bound to 'fail' in some manner. People do not understand what does this failure mean. They think that a proper house, a happy family and stuff like that is measured as success. i beg to differ. I think the success is only measurable when one gets to heaven and sees one's treasures and rewards.
This also brings to the next point of Mission. If we make Jesus as our Lord, naturally we will obey the Mission He has given us. In summary, it is to build lives. To make disciples throughout the ends of the earth. Like Abraham, we are to father the land and be father to many. Of course, like him, we may not see the many numerical fruits. Some in their lifetime may only deal with one but it is how we deal with this one that may be the most important. As he might father a million. Thus, never look at matters in the eyes of man.
With this point comes a personal note:
In submitting to the Lord, it's never easy. Many times, I feel that I want to give up. Walk like the pagans or like the 'christians'. So much easier. However, I know that is not God's will for my life. Even though I am saying this, I am not boasting to say I have reached a certain standard. Far from it be pride from me. I am a sinner saved by grace and grace alone. This journey is only possible because God chose me. It has not been easy but God had and has been with me all these times.
Last then comes the Mate portion. Many want a mate. I want a mate, a helper, a person to be there with me as I journey through this walk. I know that I am not perfect and neither will she be. It would just be a journey of 2 people who loves God and loves each other. I have not found this person and I am not worried. I know God took my rib away to make her for me. SHE WILL BE MINE! HAHAHAHA...... It's not about looks that much as one grows older. All I want is someone who meets my needs and I meet hers. Not that she takes over God. Wrong wrong! She is there as a helper, an extension of God's hands to me. One who spurs me for God and is interested to grow in Him as well. A matured female who knows her Master and Mission as well before meeting me.
Knowing one's Master, Mission and Mate is important. Please learn people! Please do...
What Kind of Girl Will You Fall For? | |
![]() | You will fall for the cutie. You like girls with a personality. She's got to have a nice smile and a sense of humor. Although she doesn't have to be a model, she has to be that girl-next-door. |
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Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
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